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现在所有位: 首页 >> 产品介绍 >> 静脉穿刺及皮内注射操作模型 >> “康为医疗”完整静脉穿刺手臂模型  
  货 号:  060060   型号规格:  NM2147
  单 价:  0   产  地:  上海康为医疗科技发展有限公司



Full-functional Vein Injection Arm

Complete Venipuncture Arm:

1. Venous access:Basilic V、Cephalic V、Digital V、Dorsal Metacarpal V、Median  Basilic V、Accessory Cephalic V、Extensive venipuncture  system Median Antebra chial V、Median Cephalic V、Median Cubital V、Thumb V.

2. This revolutionary training arm provides complete venous access for IV therapy and phlebotomy, plus sites for intramuscular and intradermal injections. An extensive 8-line vascular system allows students to practice venipuncture at all primary and secondary locations,including starting IVS and introducing OVER the Needle IV Catheters. The venous system simplifies setup with only one external fluid bagsupplying artificial blood to all veins simultaneously. The dorsal surface of the hand includes injectable metacarpal, digital, and thumb veins.The antecubital fossa includes the median cephalic, median basilic, and median cubital veins. Venipuncture can also be performed alongthe basilica, cephalic, accessory cephalic and median antebrachial veins. Intramuscular injection may be performed in the deltoid muscleand intradermal injection sites are located in the upper arm. Intramuscular injections into the deltoid muscle are enhanced by the soft,lifelike skin and by the natural bony landmarks in the region. Intradermal injections using distilled water will create characteristic skin weltsat designated sites on the upper arm.

3. The realism of the Advanced Venipuncture and Injection Arm is truly amazing. The soft, flexible fingers are molded separately with extreme attention paid to every detail-right down to the fingerprints! Flexion of the wrist helps students develop manipulation skills. The replaceable skin rolls as the veins are palpated, and a discernable “pop” is felt when entering the veins. The molding process reproduces the fine details of the skin to make the arm look and feel alive. Valves in the veins can be seen and palpated on the skin surface. 

4. Simulated veins and skins are completely replaceable to keep this training arm looking and working like new. Under normal use, hundreds of injections may be performed before the veins or skins need to be replaced. Complete replacement kits are available and easy to use. To extend the life of the veins, and aerosol sealant is available to seal punctures and prevent leakage.




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