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现在所有位: 首页 >> 新闻中心 >> “康为医疗”高智能数字化产科急救模拟训练系统(计算机控制)热销中  


作者:医学模型 发布日期:2018-11-08  点击量:2129

  货 号:  060001   型号规格:  OG6103
  单 价:  0   产  地:  上海康为医疗科技发展有限公司



■ 标准的气道管理功能,可进行口、鼻气管插管(插管位置在电脑上实时显示)
■ 模拟药物治疗系统,可选择多种给药方式,可自定义添加,修改药物,能保存药物列表,药物存在各种药效生理反应。
■ CPR:吹气时胸部有起伏,计算机监测按压位置及深度,计算机监测吹气量大小,实时数据图形显示,操作结束后有统计报告,能进行单人或多人训练考核,全程中文语音提示。
★ 模拟除颤起搏:多媒体动画展示医用除颤仪的操作流程,与模拟除颤起搏器配套使用,可实现除颤起搏。能选择除颤能量,最大除颤能量达到360J。 
■ 实时监测宫缩曲线及FHR曲线变化
■ 模拟产妇的的各种主诉,呻呤、咳嗽、呕吐等声音,真实再现产房的实际情景
■ B超检查:提供几十种临床B超影像,通过B超检查,观察胎儿生理活动情况,判断胎盘是否正常
■ 颈动脉搏动
■ 胎心音听诊
★ 模拟心电监护:使用指夹式血氧探头,监测血氧,可与多参数模拟心电监护仪配套使用,实现模拟心电监护。。多参数模拟监护仪LCD屏幕提供12导联心电图、血氧饱和度、呼吸、二氧化碳、血压(动脉血压、中心静脉压、肺动脉压、无创血压)、心输出量等。
■ 软件控制胎头下降的位置,配合产前宫颈变化与产道关系变化模块,测量胎头的下降和宫口开大情况
■ 模拟正常分娩,臀位分娩,
■ 肩难产:模拟turtle  sign,可在模拟人上练习四种常用手法解决肩难产:McRobert’s手法、耻骨上加压法、旋肩法、膝肘卧位法,或联合使用几种手法
■ 分娩:可自动进行枕左前位分娩机制的演示,并伴有自动的宫缩,括衔接、下降、俯屈、内旋转、仰伸、复位及外旋转、胎肩及胎儿的娩出,分娩速度可根据教学要求而调节。模拟宫缩,由气泵模拟不同强度,持续时间的宫缩。模拟分娩机转,在第一产程期间,缩复现象。下降是间段进行的,宫缩时胎儿头下降,间隔时略回缩。到宫口完全张开后(第二产程开始),缩复现象消失。
■ 静脉穿刺功能:可进行新生儿头皮静脉穿刺、手臂静脉穿刺,静脉穿刺时有落空感,穿刺成功时有回血产生
■ 护理功能:眼清洗滴药、可进行新生儿清洗、包扎
■ 可进行新生儿心肺复苏训练
■ 可经口鼻气管插管,进行婴儿吸痰、洗胃。
■ 可进行婴儿脐带护理。

Obstetrics Skills Training System

The simulator upgrades from F55. Its system is developed according to the standardization training syllabus of the newest house staff and combined with requirement of clinical skills operation in gynaecology and obstetrics. It includes multiple subjects such as gynaecology, obstetrics, paediatrics, emergency treatment and nursing, which can be divided into puerpera and neonatus system.  These two large scale systems cover first-aid knowledge points of the entire labor process, basic nursing, postpartum nursing care and BLS of infant and Mother, ACLS and PLS. It provides classical dystocia cases, e.g, normal labor, cord around neck delivery, breech dystocia, preeclampsia, caesarean birth, prolapse of umbilical cord, premature birth and potential hemorrhage before, during and after delivery, which instructs obstetrical workers to identificate different natal stages through partogram, diagnose abnormal labor stages in clinic and deal with it properly; to diagnose fetal distress in time by clinical fetal monitoring and handle it; and to train nursing care and emergency treatment for neonates. The software can self-edit clinical cases, simulate real clinical environment and cultivate students’ ability in clinical diagnosis and team cooperation for labor and emergency cases.

★ The mark shows that only when it used with optional accessories can some functions be realized.

System configuration:

1. Gravida manikin (for delivery and adult first aid)

2. Neonatal manikin (for first aid and nursing care)

3. Fetal manikin (for delivery)

4. Other auxiliary set

5. Simulative cervical opening

6. Antepartum cervical changes and birth canal relation modules (6 stages)

7. Uterus postpartum 48 hours

8. Modules for postpartum perineal incision and suture

9. Simulative placenta/ umbilical cord

10. Lifting “soft pad” for Leopold maneuver practice

11. Other auxiliary set etc

Friendly user interface:

Software is easy to operate and learn, which can simulate various ill scenes to have students’ comprehensive first-aid ability and clinical diagnostic thought trained;

Open system structure: users can edit cases by themselves to meet the needs of different training and examination;

Easy to compile: provide multiple trends, flow charts and event recording to make compilation and operation easier;

Compatible with Windows system roundly: can simultaneously operate other office software and do not conflict with them;

Main functions of gravida delivery manikin:

Emergency treatment:

1. Standard airway management function, available orotracheal intubation and real-time display of intubation position on the computer

2. Venipuncture: arm venous transfusion, deltoid subcutaneous injection, intramuscular injection of lateral thigh etc

3. Simulative drug treatment system provides multiple ways of drug administration; can make user-defined addition, medicine modification and drug list saving; and all kinds of drug effects cause physiological reaction;

4. CPR: there’s chest rise during insufflation; computer monitors compression position, compression depth and inflating volume; real-time graphical display of data; have statistic reports when the operation is over

★ Simulate defibrillation and pace-making: when it is used with GD/J880 simulative defibrillating pace-maker, defibrillation and pace-making can be achieved

Vital signs simulation:

1. Real-time monitoring changes of UC and FHR curves

2. Simulate all kinds of maternity chief complaint; moan, cough and vomit sounds; and real spontaneous respiration authentically reproduces actual scenes of delivery room;

3. Carotid pulse

4. Fetal heart sound auscultation

5. Equipped with highly simulated cervix;

★ Simulative ECG monitoring: use finger-clamped SpO2 sensor to monitor SpO2; simulative ECG monitoring can be achieved when it is used with GD/J115, simulative multi-parameter ECG monitor. LCD simulative multi-parameter ECG monitor can provide 12-lead electrocardiogram, saturation of blood oxygen, breath, CO2, BP  cardiac output, etc.; show the chest radiogram, ultrasonic cardiogram and 12-lead ECG synchronously; save hundreds of ECG internally, which can be used for training and assessment;

Simulate the whole process from expectant, parturition to postpartum nursing:

1. Type-B ultrasonic testing: provide dozens of clinical type-B ultrasound images; observe fetal physiological activities by type-B ultrasonic testing and judge whether placenta is normal;

2. Delivery: automatically demonstrate the delivery mechanism of left occiput anterior with spontaneous UC, engagement, descending, flexion, internal rotation, extension, restoration, external rotation, fetal shoulder and fetal delivery, and the delivery speed can be adjusted according to teaching requirements; air pump simulate UC of different intensity and duration; simulate delivery mechanism, there’s uterine contraction during the first stage of labor; descent is discontinuous: fetal head descent during UC and a little retraction during the intervals; after cervix dilates totally, the second stage of labor begins; 

3. The descending position of fetal head is controlled by the software; coordinate modules of antenatal cervical changes and birth canal relation changes to know the conditions of fetal head descent and cervical dilation;

4. Simulate normal delivery, breech delivery and shoulder dystocia;

5. Four common maneuver can be used to solve shoulder dystocia

6. Equipped with lifting “soft pad” for practicing Leopold maneuver;

7. Equipped with modules of antepartum cervical changes and birth canal relation changes, which can be fitted to maternal manikin for training:            

Stage 1: no dilation of cervix; cervical canal does not disappear; the position relation between fetal head and ischial spine place is -5;

Stage 2: 2cmcervical dilation; 50% of cervical canal disappears; the position relation between fetal head and ischial spine place is -4;

Stage 3: 4cmcervical dilation; cervical canal completely disappears; the position relation between fetal head and ischial spine place is -3;

Stage 4: 5cmcervical dilation; cervical canal completely disappears; the position relation between fetal head and ischial spine place is 0;

Stage 5: 7cmcervical dilation; cervical canal completely disappears; the position relation between fetal head and ischial spine place is +2;

Stage 6:10cmcervical dilation; cervical canal completely disappears; the position relation between fetal head and ischial spine place is+5;

8. Simulate multiple placenta positions, placenta fragments residual;

9. Available cesarean birth;

10. Perineum suture modules for practice, and there’re three incision positions: left inferior, median and right inferior;

11. Uterine massage postpartum 48 hours, great postpartum hemorrhage;

12. Puerpera nursing care (binding up, combing, overall cleaning, etc.)

Neonatal function:

1. Venipuncture: Neonatal scalp and arm venous punctures are available, and there’s a “pop” feeling and back flow of blood for successful venipuncture; 

2. Nursing: washing eyes and drop administration; neonatal cleaning and binding up;

3. Neonatal CPR Training;

4. Have trachea cannula via mouth and nose to make sputum suction and gastric lavage;

5. Baby’s umbilical cord nursing;

6. Support multiple ventilation modes such as mouth to mouth, mouth to nose, and BVM to mouth and so on;

7. Artificial respiration;

8. Extracardial compression




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技术支持:上海康为医疗科技,,上海康为医学教学模型有:护理急救医学模型厂家来样定制生产加工,医院教学模型,电子人体气管插管训练模型,腰椎穿刺,胸腔穿刺,腹腔穿刺,股动脉穿刺,综合穿刺,骨髓穿刺,淋巴结触诊,危重新生儿,阑尾切除,儿童心肺复苏,三腔两囊管操作,心肺复苏等模拟人;医学教学硅胶模型厂家,上海医学教学模型:环甲膜穿刺,气胸处理,胃镜及ERCP,乙状结肠镜,支气管内窥镜,外周穿刺中心静脉插管等操作模型;急救技能,人体解剖,人体骨骼,乳房肿瘤鉴别诊断,静脉介入操作模型,前列腺检查操作仿真模型等模型;医用人体骨骼模型;针灸人体模型,医用教学人体透明模型, 医学推拿教学模型,老年护理模拟人,不锈钢法医解剖台厂家,电子气管插管,儿童复苏,婴儿复苏模拟人,创伤模拟人,高级成人护理及CPR模拟人,高级成人护理模型,护理模型人,鼻泪管通液,十二指肠引流操作,透明男女性导尿模型,肌肉注射模型,人体模型价格表,医学用人体模型,美国纳斯医学模型,进口医学模型,护理急救医学模型厂家,高智能虚拟训练教学系统机器人医学模型软件开发,医学模型APP,医学模型网,心肺复苏培训模拟人,心肺复苏模拟人模型,,,高端综合模拟人软件系统,   
